SSL pinning bypass (PART2)
SSL pinning bypass (PART2)
Link for the PART1 of this blog:-
Steps to setup:-
👉 Connect device to adb.
1. Enable Developer Options and USB Debugging on the Android Device:-
Go to the device's "Settings" app > Scroll down and find "About Phone" > Locate the "Build Number" entry and tap it repeatedly (usually 7 times) until you see a message saying "You are now a developer!" or similar > Now, go back to the main "Settings" screen, and you should see a new option called "Developer Options." > Inside "Developer Options," enable "USB Debugging." This allows your device to communicate with a computer via ADB.
2.Connecting an Android device to the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) to enable communication and allow you to run commands on the device:-
--Open a command prompt or terminal window on your computer > Run the following commands:
cd path\to\platform-tools
adb connect
( should be replaced with the actual IP address of your Android device. 5555 is the default port used for ADB connections.)
--To check if device is connected to adb:
Command: adb devices
👉Download frida server.
1.Download frida server for supported android device’s arch version:-
To find out the arch version of the device, run following command: adb shell getprop ro.product.cpu.abi
Here I have downloaded "frida-server-12.4.7-android-x86.xz".
Open the link > main > tags > 12.7.4
Code > Download ZIP
2.Frida Server Setup:-
--Now we need to push our frida-server file into device. Extract and Copy “frida-server-12.4.7-android-x86” file in adb folder rename file as “frida-server”. After this, run following command: adb push <path_of_frida_server_folder> /data/local/tmp
--Give permissions to frida-server.
Command: adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/frida-server
👉Setting up Burp Suite as a proxy for an Android device
1.Connect Your Android Device to the Same Network
2.Obtain Your Computer's IP Address
3.Configure Android Device
Settings > Wi-Fi > Long-press on your connected Wi-Fi network, then select "Modify network" or "Edit network > Set the proxy settings as (Proxy: Manual, Proxy hostname: Enter your computer's IP address, Proxy port: Enter the Burp Suite proxy port) > Save the settings and exit.
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