Using MobSF for Static APK Analysis

What is MobSF?

MobSF is a powerful framework designed to analyze Android, iOS, and Windows mobile applications. It supports both static and dynamic analysis, enabling comprehensive assessment of an app's security posture. The static analysis feature examines the app's codebase and metadata without executing it, making it a safer and faster method for identifying security loopholes.

Setting Up MobSF

Step 1:

MobSF Installation: Clone the MobSF repository from GitHub and follow the setup instructions for your platform.

git clone   

Navigate to MobSF directory

cd Mobile-Security-Framework-MobSF 

Start the MobSF server using the following command:


Once the setup is complete, you can start MobSF


Open your browser and access MobSF at

Step 2:

Login to Mobsf using

Username- mobsf

Password- mobsf 

Step 3:

Upload the APK:

  • Drag and drop the APK file onto the MobSF interface or use the "Upload" button


Analysis Process:

  • MobSF will decompile the APK to extract its contents.
  • It analyzes the manifest file, code, and resources for potential vulnerabilities 

Review the report-

  • Once the analysis is complete, MobSF generates a detailed report that includes-
  •  Permissions Analysis: Highlights over-permissive or unnecessary permissions
  •  Code Analysis: Flags insecure coding practices, hardcoded credentials, and other risks
  •  Manifest Analysis: Checks for issues in the app's configuration file, such as exposed components
  •  Certificate Analysis: Validates the APK's signing certificate
  •  Library Analysis: Identifies outdated or insecure third-party libraries


    Static analysis is a crucial step in mobile app security testing because it helps identify potential vulnerabilities before the app is deployed. MobSF can help with this process by providing a framework for mobile app security analysis.







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