OWASP Top 10 - M7: Insufficient Binary Protection

 Threat Agents & Attack Vectors

Attackers target app binaries to steal secrets (API keys, cryptographic data), reverse-engineer critical logic (e.g., AI models), or manipulate the app (bypassing payments, injecting malware). They may also use an app to find backend vulnerabilities.

Binary attacks are easy since apps can be downloaded from stores or extracted from devices. Two common methods:

  1. Reverse Engineering – Extracting secrets, algorithms, or vulnerabilities.
  2. Code Tampering – Modifying binaries to unlock paid features, bypass security, or insert malicious code.

Security & Business Impact

All apps are vulnerable, with higher risk for those storing sensitive data or being widely used. Hardcoded secrets are especially dangerous since leaks can be costly. Manipulated apps could damage reputation or revenue if repackaged and redistributed.


  • Obfuscation – Makes reverse engineering harder.
  • Minimize Local Secrets – Store only essential data in binaries.
  • Backend Validation – Ensure security checks are also enforced remotely.
  • Integrity Checks – Detect tampering and unauthorized redistribution.

Example Attacks

  1. Hardcoded API Keys – Extracted and misused, leading to financial loss.
  2. License Bypass – Removing payment checks to unlock features for free.
  3. AI Model Theft – Extracting proprietary AI for competitor use.

No protection is foolproof, but strong defenses can deter attackers by increasing their effort and cost.


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