

As the name implies, ExifTool can read, write, and edit EXIF and metadata across a wide range of format types, thus making it a suitable option if you’re looking for free photo forensics tools. In addition, it’s compatible with FlashPix, IRB, IPTC, GPS, GeoTIFF, XMP, JFIF, and other formats.

What is ExifTool command?

Image result for exiftool

ExifTool is a powerful tool used to extract metadata of a file. It is used not only on images but some other formats of files like PDF and mp4 etc. It enables us to update and remove metadata of files and gives a lot of information about files.

How do I install ExifTool on Windows?


Download the Windows Executable from the ExifTool home page. (The file you download will have a name like " exiftool-#. ##. zip ".)

Extract " exiftool(-k).exe " from the " . zip " file, and place it on your Desktop. (Double-click on " exiftool-#. ##.

How does ExifTool calculate shutter count?

4) Viewing Shutter Count EXIF Data via ExifTool

Type “cd c:” in Windows or “cd /” in MacOS to be in the same folder where the ExifTool executable resides. Then type: Nikon DSLR: exiftool source_jpeg_file. jpg | find “Shutter Count”

What is ExifTool Mac?

ExifTool is a platform-independent Perl library plus a command-line application for reading, writing and editing meta information in a wide variety of files.

How use ExifTool Linux?


.Alternatively, on Ubuntu distribution you can use: sudo apt install libimage-exiftool-perl.

.Or simply use the following command it will automatically capture the above command. ...

.For downloading directly from the Source, use the following commands. ...

.To install it globally, make install the file.

Does Kali have ExifTool?

Image result

Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, Kali

exiftool is provided from the package named libimage-exiftool-perl .

How do I view EXIF data in Linux?

View Image Metadata On Linux

.Using ImageMagick. ImageMagick has a command line tool named "Identify" to find image metadata. ...

.Using file command. We can use file command, which is used to determine file types, to view metadata of an image. ...

.Using Exif Tool.

How do I fix EXIF data?

Image result

How to view, edit, and remove EXIF Data including location on Windows

.Go to the folder where your image is located.

.Right-click the image > click Properties.

.Click the Details tab.

.Click Remove Properties and Personal Information.

How do I download Exiftool for Windows 10?


Download the Windows Executable from the ExifTool home page. (The file you download should be named " exiftool-12.45. zip ".)

Extract " exiftool(-k).exe " from the " . zip " file, and place it on your Desktop. (Double-click on " exiftool-12.45.


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