What is Web Jacking Attack .

 Web jacking Attack

What is Web jacking attack?

Illegally seeking control of a website by taking over a domain is know as Web Jacking. In web jacking attack method hackers compromises with the domain name system (DNS) that resolves website URL to IP address but the actual website is never touched.

What is Web jacking in cyber crime?

This method is used in social media where the attackers create a fake website and when the website opens it will redirect it to an another website and harm the users system. This is done for fulfilling political objectives for money.

In fileJacking, attackers use the web browser's capability to navigate through the computer and access computer files in order to acquire personal data. It does so by tricking the user into establishing an active file server (through the file and folder selection window that browsers use).

Web Jacking is used in social media where the creators makes a fake website and when the website open it will direct it to another malicious website then it harms the user's system. In simple terms when the website or the web is hijacked then its terms as Web Jacking.

Web jacking attack method is another type of social engineering phishing attack where an attacker create a fake web page of victim website and send it to the victim and when a victim click on that link, a message display on the browser “the site abc.com has move on another address, click here to go to the new location”


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