Today, we going to help you to find out the best Linux distro for your PC. Being a beginner into all this its quite intimidating to choose the best one for yourself. today we going to see 4 best 2020 best Linux distro which best refined and gives stunningly beautiful Desktop experiences. 

1. Feren OS

It is a well stock Linux Distro that comes close to an idle replacement Microsoft Windows and Mac OS. It is a great OS for beginners to learn the Linux system and switch from Windows/Mac to Linux System.

It gives you a Desktop Designed to be unique but familiar by default. No matter what OS you using it is light compared to Windows/Mac for PC and gives similar things with a different look.


  • An easy-to-use desktop designed for familiarity
  • Designed for security and privacy
  • Designed to be nimble and responsive
  • Complete and in your control
  • Next Level KDE Plasma

Minimum Specs

  • 1024 MB or higher RAM
  • 64 Bit Processor 2 core
  • 20GB + Disk Space

2. Solus OS

Solus is an independently developed operating system for the x86-64 architecture based on the Linux kernel and a choice of the homegrown Budgie desktop environment, GNOME, MATE, or KDE Plasma as the desktop environment.


  • Software Availability: Solus comes pre-installed with a wide range of software that includes the latest Firefox, Thunderbird, Transmission, and GNOME MPV. Additional software that is not installed by default can be downloaded using the included Software Center. Wireless chips and modems are supported through optional non-free firmware packages.

Software developed by Solus

  • Raven: a sidebar interface that serves as an applet panel, notifications center, and houses the desktop customization settings.
  • Budgie Menu: a quick category and search-based application launcher.
  • Budgie-wm: the window manager of the Budgie Desktop.


Solus introduced improvements by providing a global Solus GPG key on its download section. Within its software center, Solus contains a wide variety of dedicated security software ranging from encryption software such as VeraCrypt to anonymization tools such as Tor.


Because of user privacy, the Solus project doesn't track users so there isn't a direct and reliable way to measure popularity.

Minimum Specs

  • 2048 MB or higher RAM
  • 64 Bit processor 2 core
  • 10GB + Disk Space

3. Endeavour OS

Endeavor is mainly a terminal-centric distro with some GUI tools out of the box, like our Welcome app, reflector-auto, and a kernel tool to make your jumpstart easier. With these tools and the power of the terminal, we offer you the opportunity to give you full control from the start in creating a system that suits your idea in computing.

The team has created an installer that will let you install any type of desktop environment during the installation procedure you can choose your favorite environment. The installer works both ways online a well as offline.

Minimum Specs

  • 2048 MB RAM Light Desktop 
  • 4096 for GNOME, KDE & More
  • 64 Bit Processor 2 core
  • 15 GB + Disk Space


POPOS is developed by System 76 which is based on Linux it offers minimum features and most importantly its a minimal Linux distro and focuses on what's important. Its light-weighted with a rock-solid environment. POPOS is the fastest Linux Distro compared to Ubuntu it is much responsive and the latest edition comes with new additional features that include auto telling workspaces and more.

Minimum Specs

  • 4096 RAM for Smoothness 
  • 64 Bit Processor 2 core
  • 16GB+ Disk Space


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