Is AI is a Cyber threat or Security against CYber threat??

Is AI is a Cyber threat or Security against CYber threat??

There is been a recent studied of how AI attacks could look like by "Mikko Hypponen" (chief research officer at IT security company F-Secure)

AI is developing in a large scale and taking technology to a different level.

Cyber Criminals are trying to use AI against the cyber security by conducting cyber attack's.

"There has been academic research into what AI attacks could look like, but we have not seen any in the real world”-Mikko Hypponen

There has been attacks against the machine learning programs by cyber criminals to corrupt the machine learning programs,but there is no clue of attack to make AI vulnerable against the security.

Is Artificial Intelligence is able to keep safe us from cyber attack or it may be cyber threat against the cyber security??

Here is the detail report by "Mikko Hypponen"  Click Here


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