What is Cyber Law In India?

 Cyber Law India


        Cyber Law India is an organization that is dedicated to the passing of relevant and dynamic Cyber laws in India. Considering India is one of the biggest economies impacting electronic commerce and the biggest markets to target, it is but natural to accept that India should have in place appropriate enabling legal provisions for effective and secure cyber transactions.

    Cyber Law India as an organization, has been active since late 1990’s in India. This organization has been spreading awareness through various means, amongst the people at large about the necessity of the Cyber laws and the need for having strong and vibrant Cyber laws in India. Cyber law India was responsible for conducting various programmes directing at creating more awareness about the needs for Cyber law in India. The Information Technology Bill 1999 when presented in Parliament, was appropriately analyzed at Cyber law India. Dr. Pavan Duggal, President, Cyber Law India, was responsible for demonstrating various draw backs and lacuna of the said legislation. After the passage of the Indian Information Technology Act 2000, Cyber law India was engaged in initiatives, programmes and events that were targeting at creating more awareness amongst the relevant stake holders abut the Indian Cyber law namely the Information Technology Act 2000, its salient features and how the said law impacts their day to day operation. Cyber law India was also responsible for demonstrating the draw backs, grey areas and loopholes in the Information Technology Act 2000.

Cyber Law India has been in the forefront of creating more awareness about effectively strengthening the law impacting Internet and computers within India. Dr. Pavan Duggal, has been actively associated with the Government of India, Ministry of Information Technology for the last so many years and has been actively contributing his inputs in this regard. Mr. Duggal of Cyber law India was also part of various governmental committees that were suggesting appropriate amendments to the Information Technology Act 2000. Meanwhile, the Government of India had tabled the Information Technology Amendment Bill of 2006 before Parliament. The Parliament referred the said Bill to the Parliamentary Standing Committee for its comments. Cyber law India was once again responsible for creating awareness about the new proposed amendments to the Information Technology Act 2000 in India. It was also the platform where the said amendments, their scope, ambit and ramifications were discussed in detail. Cyber law India was also responsible for identifying various loopholes and the inadequacies of the proposed amendments.

Click here to Download The Indian Information Technology Act, 2000


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