ExifTool As the name implies, ExifTool can read, write, and edit EXIF and metadata across a wide range of format types, thus making it a suitable option if you’re looking for free photo forensics tools. In addition, it’s compatible with FlashPix, IRB, IPTC, GPS, GeoTIFF, XMP, JFIF, and other formats. What is ExifTool command? Image result for exiftool ExifTool is a powerful tool used to extract metadata of a file. It is used not only on images but some other formats of files like PDF and mp4 etc. It enables us to update and remove metadata of files and gives a lot of information about files. How do I install ExifTool on Windows? Windows Download the Windows Executable from the ExifTool home page. (The file you download will have a name like " exiftool-#. ##. zip ".) Extract " exiftool(-k).exe " from the " . zip " file, and place it on your Desktop. (Double-click on " exiftool-#. ##. How does ExifTool calculate shutter count? 4) Viewing Shutter Count ...